A review by jsavage35
Tell Me How It Ends: An Essay In Forty Questions by Valeria Luiselli


This was a heartbreaking and informative read. I did not closely follow the 2014 children migrant crisis and knew very little about how the US immigration system dealt with unaccompanied minors before going into this but feel much more informed about it now. The book is very short and only scratches the surface of the issues discussed but if you're hoping for a brief glimpse of the issue, this is a good book for you.

Immigration is an extremely controversial subject in America, especially right now. A lot of people will argue that the responsibility for these children lies with their home country but what about the United States responsibility? It's hard not to read this book, hear some of these stories and not feel like we as Americans are failing in some fundamental way. Is America really great if we can't help these displaced children that's biggest crime as been where they were born? There's something wrong with a nation that can turn their backs on children in need, in my opinion. In order to be a great nation, we need to do better.