A review by rhetoricandlogic
A Halo of Mushrooms by Andrew Hiller


Properly started, this review should have a WTF-did-I-just-read gif at the top. Since yes, I'm completely sure, I never read anything comparable. In terms of weirdness [b:Theatre of the Gods|16113587|Theatre of the Gods|Matt Suddain|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1356446170s/16113587.jpg|21930206] will always be the no. 1 - but this one here surely makes it to the top 10.

Which is good!

It had its rough edges around the prose on some occasions and -Derik, not Derek- another round of editing would probably have been a good thing, too.

All that aside - this is a phanstastic book. It serves new ideas, desserts as weapons and characters that actually and really grow on you, they are so real and mirroring REAL problems, for example: catatonic, complete indecision.

Fast paced it never let me go away for more than a couple of hours and as a result, managed to draw me out of my 6 week reading slump. High Five for that.

If this author writes anything else, count me in.