A review by 100pagesaday
The Merry Dredgers by Jeremy C. Shipp


Seraphina spends her days as a party princess, pretending to be someone she is not.  Seraphina receives a concerning set of letters from her free-spirited sister, Eff.  Eff has joined a group of like minded people, who she swears are not part of a cult.  When Seraphina receives word that Eff is in a coma after an accident at the retreat, she decides to go to the last place that Eff was and go undercover into the group. Seraphina becomes a Merry Dredgers and explores her spiritual energy at a broken down goblin amusement park while trying to get to the bottom of her sister's accident.
The Merry Dredgers is a wild mystery thriller with enchanting and diabolical characters. I was quickly taken with Seraphina's character and her ability to act as a Princess all day and then retreat into the opposite persona when being herself.  This was a great skill for Seraphina as she became Corrina in order to infiltrate the Merry Dredgers.  I was amazed as she was able to keep the personas separate, never crack as Corrina and remember that she was potentially in a very dangerous situation. The Merry Dredgers themselves are an eclectic group. Their base of operation, the half functional goblin theme park, was a trippy ride that I wasn't quite sure where it was heading. The whole time Seraphina is with the Dredgers it seems like they really might be a harmless group of people intent on living an alternative lifestyle.  The writing was able to convey that things just don't seem quite right within the community however, as Seraphina desperately searches for cracks within their façade and clues to who might have hurt her sister.  

This book was received for free in return for an honest review.