A review by angelsubrinaa
Our Country's Good: Based on the novel 'The Playmaker' by Thomas Keneally by Timberlake Wertenbaker


We're doing this play for Drama and it's really interesting. We just got given our lines and I'm playing Ketch Freeman and Reverend Johnson.

UPDATE: I’m neither of them now, I’m just playing Lieutenant Ralph Clark due to covid circumstances and I have the most boring part in the most boring scene. At least I didn’t have many lines to learn but wtf will I be doing when I don’t speak for a whole page? Stand awkwardly??
I’ve realised that none of the characters in the book are actually straight (apart from the hypocritical pricks who pay for prostitutes’ bodies yet decide to say they’re a disgrace like wtf dude) Here is a list of the sexuality of the characters:

-Ralph Clark is queer. yes.
-Mary Brenham is bisexual.
-Shitty Meg is pansexual. I HAVE EVIDENCE TOO (‘I can play with any part you like, Lieutenant’)
-Dabby Bryant is a feminist QUEEN! love her so much. she’s 100% lesbian 
-Liz Morden is also lesbian
-Wisehammer is gay
-Ketch Freeman is ace
-Robbie Ross is gay and an iconic Scottish man. I would’ve killed to play him in the scene I’m doing, there’s this particular paragraph which is so iconic ugh
-Sideway OMG I WOULD’VE LOVED TO PLAY HIM he’s very very gay
-Duckling is a lesbian 
-Harry Brewer... I don’t even know 

And there are the other less important characters I can’t remember. This play is actually way better than I thought it was.