A review by lphreads
Master Your Motivation: Three Scientific Truths for Achieving Your Goals by Susan Fowler


I had to read Master Your Motivation for the intro class for my Writing & Rhetoric major. I definitely think it would be beneficial for someone looking for guidance on how to properly motivate themselves in school, work, or any sort of activity where they aren't feeling "optimal motivation," as Fowler calls it. She stresses the importance of mindfulness and creating "choice, connection, and competence" within whatever you're motivating yourself to do. I think I will carry these tips with me through my life, even if I do not actively implement them.

Master Your Motivation is an easy read, you could probably skim through it in a day or two. I think it could become monotonous if you're not careful. It gets a bit repetitive at times, especially when Fowler dives into some of her success stories. The first few are fairly interesting, but by the last ones you can guess how the anecdote ends so it's easy to just skim through them.

One more thing I want to mention is content warnings: the most notable thing within this is the constant example of a diet/weight loss plan. I see why Fowler used that as her prime example throughout, as it is something that many people struggle with for motivation, but sometimes the way she discussed it could be a little extra.

Overall: three stars. It's not something I ever would have picked up on my own, but it wasn't bad. I docked a star for the repetitiveness towards the middle and another for the excessive talk of dieting.

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