A review by flijn
Zwarte bloem by Erik de Vries, Steve Mosby


Oh, this was nerve-wracking. Gripping from the start. The evilness is surreal and almost beautiful, but horrible. I like it when books and writing play a role in fiction, but it can turn out wrong. In that case, bringing up books creates a barrier that prevents you from forgetting that you are merely a reader, sitting safely in the comfort of your couch with a work of make-belief. Mosby made it convincing and natural. The short draft written by one of teh protagonists creates the right atmosphere without feeling forced.
All in all, good thriller, never boring or weakening its grip.
One point of criticism (spoiler):
SpoilerAlly did not become real for me. Her abduction and Neils subsequent desparation and frantic search where interesting as far as it answered questions, but could have been more thrilling if I had cared more for her being rescued. Victim-overdose, maybe.