A review by christinereads0
Not My Blood by Barbara Cleverly



Title: Not My Blood
Author: Barbara Cleverly
Pages: 345
Genre: Mystery, Thriller, Adult Fiction
Rating: 2 out of 5 stars

This is actually a book that I did not finish (DNF'd) last year and decided to come back to finally. Following Joe Sandilands, we are introduced to his friend's son who is in danger. Being a top detective, this was the perfect opportunity to solve another crime. We then follow Joe on his quest to solve this mystery. This is a regular crime mystery novel so if following a ragtag detective is your thing, then look no further.

Oh No's
I don't understand why they went on a wild goose chase looking for a hospital they didn't know and only ended up going to one then giving up. It was the stupidest waste of time in my opinion. Of course, that one was where everything was happening though right?

They just totally forgot about the kid, Jack Drummond. For some reason, halfway through they just dropped the main plot and took off with a totally different mystery with the school. And even still, I feel the full mystery wasn't solved. This was extremely confusing, especially since I stopped this book for a year. I took to other reviews and found my excuse would not hold up. There really are two whole parts of this book.

And just one more thing. There was way too much running around and not getting any closer to the plot. Circles and circles of useless dialogue that lead to nothing. Only some info once every 30 pages was relevant.

Jack was a great character who was important for literally only half of the book. The author just tossed him to the side. I really enjoyed his interactions with Joe and wish he could have continued in the mystery instead of being left at school. Unprotected.

Yeah, that was kind of the only good thing about the book. It was another run of the mill detective solving a crime mystery novels. These are nice to read if you're into the mystery and a reoccurring main character.

A few recommendations for this novel would be How it Happened by Michael Kortya and Two Days Gone by Randall Silvis.

Favorite Quote
"Anyway I'm mad. Officially mad. What are they going to do? Send me to a loony bin?"

Pg. 326

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