A review by bookalong
The Union of Synchronized Swimmers by Cristina Sandu


"Now, there are places that are one the wrong side of the river and places that are on the right side. When the girls sat on the shore, they looked from the wrong side across to the right side, on the bank of a wharf extended".~pg.7
Self translated by the author from the Finnish, this quick little novella follows six women from an "unnamed country" who are dare to dream big.

Six young cigarette factory workers join the synchronized swimming team with dreams of moving beyond their present lives. I loved the layout of this book. Sandu tells this story through the six girls, each narrating a chapter and a third person flashback narration threaded through as well. It was almost like interwoven short stories, which really worked for me! Getting to meet these women individually and then have the third person narration collect them as a whole was a great way to tell this story. I loved the big themes in this meaningful novella, freedom, womanhood and belonging being big ones. A great read for Women in Translation month!

Thank You @bookhug_press for sending me this book in exchange for an honest review.

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