A review by hollireads
The Blood of Emmett Till by Timothy B. Tyson


This is such a difficult book to read, but such an important part of US history to know about. This book laid out the historical context of events, explaining the events surrounding this even in the south, and also giving the history of some of the main people involved. It was heart breaking to hear all of the information pieced together about what we do know about what happened to Emmett. It made my head want to explode to hear about the attitude of his murderers, and of those who let them off the hook. The trial was a joke. Emmett's mother was so brave, and so intent on making sure that this murder was not swept under the rug. It made a huge difference in the Civil Rights movement. The things he quoted the accusing woman, Caroline, as saying were so exasperating, and I wish she could at least have the decency to show remorse. I think she probably felt some level of relief in admitting the lies, but she also was clearly not wanting to take any responsibility or admit to her part in this horrific crime. This is a book I will be revisiting in the future, because there's so much important history included.