A review by adriancurcher
The Sea Inside by Philip Hoare


Non-fiction isn't something that very often appeals to me, I'm not very good at reading it and tend to drift off pretty easily. But I'd been hearing so many great things about Hoare and this book that I thought I should jump in and give it a go! Boy am I glad I did? Hoare's writing is just sublime. It doesn't read like non-fiction. It reads like the most beautiful, poetic and exciting fiction you can imagine. It meanders (and I mean that in the best possible way imaginable) through all these wonderful lands and creatures and anecdotes all linked by the sea. It explores the human condition and how we relate to nature. It made me feel closer to a nature I often spurn and feel alienated from and it made me see things in a new light that I'd never even considered before. What more can you ask of from a book? There isn't a moment where I was bored and I was very sad to see it end.