A review by yusra_s
Cast in Shadow by Michelle Sagara

Did not finish book.
I think this book was a complete waste of my time. The characters were ok, and I had whatsoever no problem with their personalities but I think Michelle, you could do much better than THAT! Editting was oh so terrible and I had a lot of difficulty reading because of missing speech marks in some places and in others where whole sentences didnt make sense with all the words jumbled up.

talking about the storyline, it was cool but I think it was sooooper slow in comparison with other fantasy books.
Okay, I get it, this was the first book in the series and you needed to explain the characters and all but come on, it doesnt really take over 300 pages to describe the people in a book. You shouldve done more about the action area. All I saw was boring talk talk talk.

At least you shouldve added some better, more humor, if you liked the characters to talk all the time.

I still havent read the other books and I dont think I really will, but IF I do, I hope they're loadss better than THIS one.