A review by tracy_wilkin93
Ignition by Stacy McWilliams


4.5 Stars
The drama continues in Part 2 of Stacy McWilliams Escaping Demons Saga, with Ignition sucking me in again for one heck of a ride. As it has come to be expected, Jasmines topsy turvy tunnel through life has not get any better.

“Jas, by falling on love with you, I may well have signed our death warrants.”

Jasmine keeps getting treated like scum by the Stevenson’s, Nathan included. The hot and cold that is their relationship is really starting to take it’s toll on her. How much more can she endure before she breaks? But her strength is unimaginably strong, and she will fight with everything she has to come away from this in one piece.

“I am so sorry, that is all I can say at the moment. Please don’t give up on us. We have an amazing future together and we will be amazing when we get away from them.”

My heart breaks for Jasmine. Nathan repeatedly rips her heart out and stomps on it, only to apologise and beg for forgiveness straight after. She is getting more and more bewildered by his behaviour, and cannot keep laying her feelings out for him, only for him to have no regard for them.

At the start of this saga, I was enjoying the books as they were different from what I have been reading and provided quite a refreshing change. Nothing too dramatic stood out, except for the violence. I was just enjoying something new. But the incredible thrill I got at uncovering the many layers that make up this story, was so unexpected, it made it even more special. My heart was in my throat most of the time, trying to anticipate what was to happen next. What more can this author add to Nathan and Jasmine’s saga to make it even more epic? Stacy McWilliams just kept building the almost unbearable intensity until I thought I could not take anymore, but still she had my total attention, and like a sponge, I just had to absorb more.

“Jas baby, wake up please. I can’t do this without you. I didn't know how dark my soul was until you walked into my life in a burst of colour. You lit up the darkest parts of me, bringing me into the light and guiding my way while I adjust to the brightness.”

What a deeply emotional and intense experience reading this saga has been for me. It was so astoundingly good, it will be a struggle to find something else to read. A true talent this author is, and I will not be able to stop thinking about her work for an incredibly long time.

As Ignition ended in a cliffhanger, I will be holding my breath for the next addition to this saga.