A review by sharonsm_28
The Help by Kathryn Stockett


Actual Rating: 4.45

This is one of my favourites of 2015. The story was so heartfelt and brilliant. I love that the book was about inequality amongst different races and social status. I enjoyed the story very much.

As far as characters goes, I thought this book had some great characters. Miss Skeeter is a capable young woman who is smart, pretty and tall. She is the only one brave enough to write a book about the experiences African American maids have and keep it a secret from them.

Aibee is one of the maids that Skeeter interviews. She suffered a lost when her son died. She takes care of the children. She is a patient, kind woman. However, my favourite character is Minny. She is fearless and she doesn't care if she tell people the truth. She knows how to tell the truth even people don't want to know. I enjoy reading the alternating POVs of these three women.

This is more than just a book. It takes you on the personal experience that the author went through. It taught me that although we may be different skin colour, we are all the same: human beings. I thought it was interesting to see how life in America was like in the 1960s while racism existed more than today. Overall, a beautiful read.