A review by leclerc
The Dead Romantics by Ashley Poston


This is the type of book that I could read over and over and never get bored by it. I didn't think that I would love this much as a did and I certainly didn't know that I was able to fall for a ghost …

I loved Florence, Ben and her family. Their bounding, and how each one of them had their own little stories I hold them all very close to my heart. Also, the way the book dealt with grief was raw, and beautiful. And if you think that it can't even get better than this the book mentioned so many of my favourite things, it was like reading a book that was written for me.

Florence is exactly the type of lovable and relatable lead that I want to fall for. Her and Ben's relationship was SO beautiful. I can't get over it. The way that a lot of things from their pasts connect them, truly soulmates. And the scene from chapter 30 … better than smut if you ask me I almost fell out of my bed.

Also, to me the book was very funny at some times, I had to let out some giggles, what I certainly didn't except from the book. I was excepting it to crush my heart and let me pick up all the pieces alone. But I was fooled! (Thank God).

Now I will force everyone that I know to read this book. Sorry, let me correct myself *masterpiece.