A review by fangirljeanne
Full Body Contact: Is he a fighter or a killer? by Cristyn West, Elena Gray


It is so fantastic to see a three-dimensional female protagonist at front and center of a book (I've been reading too much romance lately). Alexis is a complex and conflicted young detective. She's also the daughter of the former Chief of Police. Can you say Daddy Issues? Yet, this is what I love about this character. The weight of expectations, the self consciousness, but most of all her determination to overcome it all.

I found the relationship between Alexis and Dekker fascinating. The way he challenged her, and how she rose to it each time. Her strength and tenacity are endearing. The sexual tension between them was electric, and it drove the pace of the story (and my reading) to a break-neck speed.

I'm also a fan of Mixed Martial Arts and always love to see it represented in fiction. Gray and West do a fantastic job of authentically representing the MMA both in the fighting and the fighters. Though I will say they going to an extreme side of the underworld of fighting that readers that are unfamiliar with MMA should NOT confuse the legitimate sport. I appreciate that they never flinch away from the graphic nature of this kind of physical violence.

Warning: There is a great deal of violence that is described in graphic detail. Readers should be prepared to deal with it and the crude, profane mannerisms of many of the male characters. These portrayals are spot on for the type of men in the fighting world, but might shock unprepared readers. There's also a steamy and intense sex scene that was just as graphic (not that I'm complaining about it, not at all).

In other words: Delicate flowers should not fucking read this book.

I especially loved the twist at the end, and was completely blindsided by it. The genre is Thriller and despite the chemistry between the characters and sexual content, that is where the heart of the story lies.