A review by carringtonshaw
The Last Murder at the End of the World by Stuart Turton

Did not finish book. Stopped at 47%.
I've already DNF'd so many books this year; what's one more? No, but seriously, I was really enjoying this one at first. I thought the sci-fi elements were compelling (even though I did guess at the main twist, or at least the main twist up to the halfway point of the book--there was a seemingly throwaway line early on that gave it away). I liked the (admittedly sometimes confusing) narrative from the omniscient AI, and thought that was unique and kind of fun.

After that, though, it turned into a murder mystery. Normally that would be a bonus because I love murder mysteries. But it turns out they aren't that interesting when you don't care about any of the characters. There wasn't a single person I genuinely cared about in this book, so working out the mysteries of their fates didn't captivate me like it should have. Picking it up to continue reading started to feel like a chore every time, which is difficult because the Aardvark books are such good quality.

I'm disappointed because this started out so well, and I loved The 7 1/2 Deaths, so I thought I'd love this one, too. (Also, I found myself wondering if they could possibly be set within the same universe. I haven't looked to see if the author has addressed this anywhere, but I suspect they could be. Maybe finishing the book would have changed my mind, but I guess I'll never know.)

DNF at page 174.