A review by catgv
Long Live the Pumpkin Queen by Shea Ernshaw


[If you'd like to see the thematic bookstagram I made for this book, please go to this Instagram page: Long Live the Pumpkin Queen - Halloween Bookstagram]

Long Live the Pumpkin Queen by [a:Shea Ernshaw|15941035|Shea Ernshaw|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1610755611p2/15941035.jpg] is a delightful, adventurous and romantic read full of nostalgia for The Nightmare Before Christmas lovers!

At first, I had a lot of trouble finding it a pleasant read in the first 130 pages because it seemed that while Sally is a smart ragdoll, she only understood things way later as though she was forced by the author to not grasp things before the next plot point. Fortunately, it resolved itself and she became fully the Sally we know afterwards, and she is as sweet and as caring and courageous as we know her to be.

Moreover, there are such thrilling and adorable discoveries, new territories in their world explored and truths unearthed that somehow, I always wondered about.

All in all, this was such a good thematic and sweet adventure to follow Sally Skellington on (yes, she marries Jack :)!), I give this book a rating of 4.5