A review by jsilber42
Stormbringer by Michael Moorcock


The final book in the Elric Saga pulls out all the stops. A human sorceror has joined forces with the Lords of Chaos to take over the earth. Elric and company must stop them, or the world will be unmade into pure chaos. "Stormbringer" is the only book in the Elric sequence that feels truly like a full novel, rather than a collection of short novellas. No longer a picaresque adventure, this one is deadly serious. It feels quite appropriate that Elric, who always called on Chaos for assistance, and carries a chaos blade, must now defeat them to save everything. Elric learns that regardless of the outcome, there will be no place for him in the world, as it will either turn to pure chaos or be remade by the Lords of Law, and in due course, he will lose everything he cares about. His quest to defeat Chaos regardless allows our anti-hero to finally become a hero.