A review by nabilahs
Made in China: A Prisoner, an SOS Letter, and the Hidden Cost of America's Cheap Goods by Amelia Pang


WOW! Just wow! Managed to finish this crime non-fiction in 3 days. Mentally exhausted! Such a harrowing and sorrowful true story of the laogai system in China.

The intricate writing by Amelia Pang from the origin of laogai nation, the dark side of Beijing Olympics 2008, a ploy by big brands in auditing 'factories' in China to China organ transplant industry. All the issues are written with a careful and thorough investigation by the journalist.

The book starts when a US lady, Julie found a tiny SOS letter hidden in a package of Halloween decorations in the year 2012, the SOS letter desperately asking for help.

Then, we go through to learn more about Sun Yuyi, a China man who was imprisoned because of different religions and forced to work in Masanjia labor camp.

Labor camp or known as laogai nation is established in the 1930s and still expanded this year due to Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Labor camps still exist in China because of industry and retails demand over the world.

The CCP arrested and forced innocent China people into labor camps. There are 7 categories of prisoners include political prisoners, ethnic minorities, petitioners, and migrant workers.

All the laogai workers are forced :

- work in long hours without a break
- no protection; no mask and gloves
- no visitors
- no shower breaks
- women's prisoners suffer greater torture; gang rape, sterilized
- no salary
- beaten by guards, torture

After I read this book, whenever I see Made In China label, I will for sure remember all those people who are forced to work in labor camps. I will change my current lifestyle, probably will not buy something too cheap.