A review by calistareads
Are Your Stars Like My Stars? by Leslie Helakoski


This is some great artwork for the beginning reader set. It’s intentional to look like children drew this, but not as messy maybe.

This is posing basically a spiritual question. Do you and I see the same color; do we experience the world the same way? Each page is asking do you see red, or a color, like I see it. It’s a nice way of thinking about our similarities and differences. It takes a while, in my experience, to understand that everyone experiences the world in their own way. It was high school when I realized my friends didn’t think about thing the way I did (slow, I know)

Nephew kept saying, they’ve asked that question before. Aren’t they going to answer it? I told him that is to discover the question, not to answer. Take time and find out from your friends. He looked at me like I was old and silly. He said it was a rather silly book. He wanted an answer. He gave this 2 stars.