A review by inahreads
The Hometown Hazard by Dawn Lanuza


This has been the second book I’ve read from Dawn and I’m really happy to say that this doesn’t disappoint. If I may say so, The Hometown Hazard is better in terms of dynamics and depth of the story compared to her debut, The Boyfriend Backtrack, which is actually related to this book. The MCs are friends.

This book really went beyond the usual Filipino Chick-lit formula. It has different elements that added and built up the story in an excellent way. The story hits close to me since it’s set here and obviously the characters were Filipinos so it’s really easy to get into. I also liked how each aspect worked well together.

The romance was written really well. It wasn’t too cheesy but it definitely made me swoon several times. It wasn’t instant and I loved how it was slowly built up. Not to mention the raw chemistry between Kip and Jules, LIKE PLEASE CAN I HAVE MY OWN KIP OMG!

The story was amazing and I was hooked from the start. The pacing was great as well. I also think that the writing was excellent! I am definitely looking forward to more of Dawn’s works!