A review by srgower
Lords of Kobol - Book One: Apotheosis by Edward T. Yeatts III


I had two separate impressions while reading through this book, each coming at different times.

1) I can see why this book was rejected by publishers
This is the impression I got when I first started reading the book. I don't intend to say that with any malice, nor that I think I could do better (in fact I recognize some of my own mistakes that I would have made in the writing). What I mean to say is, it's a little unpolished in places and reads like an amateur novelist - HOWEVER, I truly respect Yeatts in that he put a lot of work into this novel and actually put his work out there.

2) The story is actually not that bad.
It takes a while for it to heat up, but once it does, it takes shape rather nicely. There are probably some bits that I would personally have cut out, but perhaps they have a greater significance later on (this is a trilogy, after all).

Overall, some hits and some misses, but it was fun to read through, even if it was a bit long in tooth.

I will get to the next books soon enough.