A review by dragon_lion64
Surrender by Pamela Clare


This was a little different from my usual Scottish Highlander historical romance reads unless you count Outlander which gets into the American Revolution later in the series. This occurs near the Canadian border during The Seven Years’ War aka The French and Indian War.

Iain MacKinnon’s grandfather was the great Iain Of MacKinnon, chieftain of the MacKinnon Clan, who supported Bonnie Prince Charlie and led his clan into battle against the English. For this, his family was exiled to the Americas. Iain and his two brothers were set on a life of farming when Colonel William Wentworth took an interest in them. He set them up to look guilty for a murder they did not commit so he could force them to become soldiers in his war.

Iain put together some of the most skilled warriors and called them the MacKinnon Rangers.

Anne Burness Campbell's family fought for the Crown against the MacKinnons. She lost her father and brother at Prestonpans, a battle before Culloden. She and her mother had to move in with her Uncle Bain who was a depraved cur who killed her mother and said she fell down the stairs.

Anne tried to run away but her uncle branded her as a thief on her thigh without a trial and sent her to America as a indentured servant to serve for fourteen years.

Her new masters are cruel and like to beat her but that all changes in a horrifying instant when a band of Abenaki warriors kill her masters and burn down their home. Anne is rescued by a barbarian MacKinnon.

She realizes she is free from servitude with very few people knowing the truth. If she tells the truth or gives her real surname, she could end up being a slave again.

This was an intensely emotional story that gives us a look at the difficult social, moral and political environment of early America. I always say how glad I am that I did not live back then. The hardships, beliefs and social rankings were just amazingly unfair and outrageous.

Though I am well versed in a lot of history, I am ashamed to say I know very little about the Seven Years’ War. This book made me curious so I will he reading up on it while I go through the series.