A review by pippinthepuffin
Mister Tender's Girl by Carter Wilson


Obligatory Statement: I received an e-arc of this from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. 

Wow. That was a roller coaster of a novel.

I had read an excerpt of this novel on BookishFirst and I was just hooked. I really wanted to know how this book character inspired the stabbing of Alice.  The best part of this story since of course, it was a thriller, was how the main antagonist related to Alice which I am not going to spoil but I will say that I definitely did not see it coming.

Alice as the main character was interesting and knew what she wanted in life. And that was to live a quite normal life with her coffee shop and to have no one ask her about Mister Tender. But hey we can't always get what we want. Now, one issue that I did have with Alice was her nonchalant way of dealing with a characters death. I understand that we all have different coping methods but I was expecting a bit more humanity. Her mother was a bit overbearing at some points, but I mean Alice was almost killed once and then Alice's father was also killed so it makes sense. Now Alice's brother, Thomas, was spunky and I do feel bad for him because he is ill and his mother does not let him do a lot on his own.

Now for the one character that never speaks, Mister Tender does play a large role in the book as he is somewhat of an antagonist. I do also wish that there were excerpts of the comics that were included in the book. This visual imagery would have been nice to get a visual idea of what the Alice and the author characters are looking at and it makes the story feel more tangible. However, I did read an ARC so maybe in the finished book, there will be the comic panels.

I am sorry that this review seems a bit sparse but I don't want to spoil anything because it would take away from the thriller aspect of the book. But if you would like to discuss the book with me you can always connect with me on social media or if you think that it is not too spoilery, leave a comment below.

Thank you again to the publisher for providing me a copy to review.