A review by its_tara
The Left Hand of God by Paul Hoffman


Set in a very dark, very frightening world, this book follows Thomas Cale (normally known as Cale) and his story. It begins in The Sanctuary, home of The Redeemers, a group of religious fanatics, who take young boys (acolytes) and teach them of their religion - and to fight to kill.

One of the main strengths of this book is the sense of injustice it portays, and just how grim a world it manages to make. There are also twists and turns to the plot, which once I'd gotten into the book, kept me turning pages. Another is that, like the characters in the book, you find yourself liking Cale, but never quite understanding him, and always a little scared of him and what he will do.

In terms of weaknesses, I found this book fairly difficult to get into at first, though maybe that's because it's not me normal kind of book. Likewise, the ending was sort of anticlimatic, though this is because the book is to be a part of a series, and this leads you (I assume) right into the next book.

Overall, I enjoyed this book, and looked forward to my work lunch breaks in order to have time to read it. However, I think the claims on the cover seem to overhype it a bit, and that those with little patience for a somewhat jumpy (at times, anyway) storyline may have a few issues with it.