A review by pattydsf
Mennonite in a Little Black Dress: A Memoir of Going Home by Rhoda Janzen


I have been seeing this book around since it was published. It seems to have stayed popular at least at my public library. I was looking for books to take with me for the weekend and decided to add this to my pile. I am glad I did.

I have known about the Mennonites for most of my life, but had never read anything about them. Janzen has an interesting story to tell because her father is well known in this community, but she has been living outside of it for awhile.

That combined with her divorce from her bi-polar husband makes for an interesting story. Fortunately, she is a good writer (has published several poetry books) and so not only is this interesting but well-written.

I enjoy reading memoirs when I learned new things about the world, when they include humor and when the author is not whining about her life. Janzen gave me all three parts of this equation and so I had a fun time reading about her life.