A review by elliefufu
Chosen by Sin by Virna DePaul


Wicked Edge, Castle of Dark Dreams #5, by Nina Bangs
Grade: B-

“So where did that leave Passion, the angel-slut of heaven?”

Passion’s boss, Archangel Ted, has had enough of the rebellious angel and has sent her to Earth to get her head back in the saving souls game. Castle of Dark Dreams is a fantasy paradise for people looking to escape reality and fulfill their deepest desires and Passion has just checked in as their new guest. Passion soon finds the people of the Castle may be irredeemable and on the top of that list is sexy, soulless Edge. Edge sparks lust in Passion for the first time and it will take every ouch of her strength to resist the chemistry between them .

Edge has spent centuries being Death and he never had a problem with it until he meets Passion the maybe-angel-turned human who sparks his interest as no woman ever has. As soon as Passion arrives at the Castle strange things start happening and Edge and his friends are being taken over and used to reek havoc on the world. Edge’s boss doesn’t trust Passion but Edge believes she can help but if he’s wrong it could mean the loss of both his and his friends lives.

I finished this book last night and usually I rush right to the computer to do my review but with Wicked Edge I found myself staring at the cover trying to figure out how I felt about everything I just read. Now ten hours later I can honestly say I liked the book but I didn’t love it. I also struggled with grading this book because it’s not a horrible book but there were times when it got very slow and I had a hard time wanting to keep reading.

Passion and Edge are good characters but I don’t love either of them and I certainly wouldn’t want to read another book with them as the main characters. I felt like there was too much time spent on them dancing around their attraction for each other and they kept repeating over and over why they can’t be together. They are both horrible at communicating and that really drove me crazy because they both spent way to much of my time being upset over something stupid instead of having an adult conversation or just being honest.

The best parts of the book are when all of the side characters like Sparkle, Murmur and Ganymede are around. These three characters saved the book in my opinion and provided all of the humor and real entertainment. Sparkle and Ganymede are hilarious together and apart and if they have their own book I will read it in a heart beat. Murmur is a demon who loves to dance(hilarious) and his book is the next in the series so I will defiantly be reading it just for him.

There was a lot going on in this book and I felt that there was almost too much going on at times. I felt that the book could have been shorter or not have drawn out so many parts. As the fifth book in the series I was pleasantly surprised that I could jump right in and not feel lost at all. I did really enjoy most of this book and am hoping that with a different hero and heroine I will enjoy my time at the Castle of Dark Dreams a little more.