A review by raven168
Mosaic by Sarah Fine


First, I just have to say I hate that cover. It would be great, except for the way the couple is drawn. They just look horrible.

With the way this ended I was so tempted to knock my rating down a star, I was so ticked off. I almost feel incredibly cheated with it. Especially with everything that happens in this book. Unless we get another one (even though I'm pretty sure this is only a trilogy) this is going to bug me every time I think about this series.

Aside from that end, this was actually a really good book. I was thrilled to see the Asa that I love again in the beginning. There was always something going on this time and while I was never crazy excited about getting back into reading it, once I did I would always want to know what happened next. People are stabbing people in the back left and right this time around and it's hard to know who is actually an ally. And how temporarily they will be one. People come back from the dead and there are secrets revealed that have serious impact. The danger is constant and Mattie is faced with decisions that will affect more than just her life. There's always fighting and many people die. But everything is also not always as it seems.

Asa and Mattie have been doing their team thing for months now and have developed a great relationship. All be it one that threatens their hearts. With their latest stolen magic pushing them harder, they reach the point where a decision must be made. And that's a talk Mattie is looking forward to. But before it can happen, they're attacked and Asa is taken. Determined to get him back, Mattie follows any lead she can find and gets involved with some dangerous people. Thinking only of Asa, she'll deal with any pain, make deals with people that she breaks when she has to and is forced to make choices that may change her in the end.

Everything centers around an ancient artifact that is finally being displayed and every magical boss wants it. It could very well be the key to everything in their world. Nobody knows exactly what it is or what's inside of it though. Alliances are made and traitors are everywhere. Mattie also plays her own part in a scheme to take it along with the Russian boss who she has reluctantly teamed up with.

The times that Mattie comes in contact with Asa after he was taken kills her a little more each time. He is not doing well and has become an obedient slave to his captor, doing horrible things. Even fearing that she might be too late to save him, Mattie doesn't give up and realizes what she must do and how she must think to be able to get to him. Everything leading up to the end was great and I was so excited as to where it was going. ...And then we got that last chapter. That chapter really wants to ruin the whole thing for me.
SpoilerReally?? Asa runs away?? And Mattie joins the Headsman?? I was so pissed off when I realized before we were told that Asa was going to be gone. And then I was even more angry when Mattie thinks that him telling her he loved her was a lie. WTF. The two of them were supposed to end up together in a sort of messed up great relationship. Not end like this.
That was such a crap ending and I am not happy with it. I want another book that fixes this.

ARC provided by publisher via Netgalley.