A review by theeprincessduhh
Doctor Mirage by Magdalene Visaggio


True Rating: 3.5

-Art Style
-The Egyptian Mythology
-The present story

-The time jumps
-I'm so confused with the ending

I want to thank Netgalley for giving me this graphic novel, it was a fun read. So what is the story about princess? Umm yeah I have no idea. Let me see if I can sum it up nicely with no spoilers. Shan can see the dead and has some type of magic. Her husband is dead so now she is trying to find a way to bring him back. There is an interesting side character that kind of falls off but she is super weird. The ending is a little confusing, I legit have no idea what to believe to be honest. I think Shan was on some type of show because the narrator keeps talking about moving camera and things like that. As I stated before you do get to see a little Egyptian mythology and that was pretty nice. It wasn't a lot but it was enough for me to feel like I need to look this creature up in my mythology book. Anyways it was a fun and quick read I do suggest it if you want a mind warping experience where you have no idea what is happening. I will have to continue because I need to find out what is happening.