A review by enjodako
Mack's Perfectly Ghastly Homecoming by A.J. Sherwood


Copy & paste of Don & Jon. Do not bother.

Copy & paste of Don & Jon. Do not bother.

I was reading the books and enjoying them until I got to Brandon and Mack. The story beforehand killed this series for me. Brandon and Mack are terribly written copy and paste of Donovon and Jon.
There was no love affair, no romance. We were given "tragic" backstories and they made no difference to their character or otherwise. Brandon whose never been with a guy and "fighting his new self" well that didnt last...well it lasted in the sentence he said it? It was pointless. As they never had a connection in the first place, I don't care about either of them. They are just badly written characters.
Even the characters admit it 43% through. "Why are they so alike?"! Really?
Don literally tells him to treat Mack exactly like Jon, like how he did in previous books. So rinse and repeat. Wow.
Why make the Havili brothers so perfect? They are plumbers, electricians, carpenters even...and FYI the first time ain't fun. It's dull how perfect they are.

The declaration of love from Mack was forced and I didn't see any of this in the past 2 books. Just a filler with fake emotions. I don't feel for either of these two due to the rush and copy & paste. It was pathetic.
The bonding? Wow was that disappointing as heck. But what did I expect after all this? *touches heads* "Oh wow, you're so bright now" cool. Not.

The demon ghost...whatever. Dull as nails. Wow it broke some windows, call in everyone and everything!!!! IT CANT REALLY HURT ANYONE BUT ERMAHGERD.
Plot twist, Mack can exorcise but is too lazy too. Throws that in 75% through.
Then we get this weird "woke" theme too. Talks about non-binary, whitewashed FBI, threesomes, gay hate...so is this book about ghosts or about fake drama? Oh wow, the three of them are so unaccepted. Mhmm.  They don't even touch each other. No kiss, no hugs, no flirting, nothing.
Delany is there for drama but doesn't do anything. Pointless character.