A review by amyappy
The Last Light of the Sun by Guy Gavriel Kay


I really enjoyed reading this, but it doesn't stand out to me as being as... memorable as GGK's other works. It seems ironic to me that when working with real history (Vikings, Anglo-Saxons, Celts), Kay's depiction of his settings seems less than fully realized. There were precious few characters in here I didn't like, and I was completely satisfied with the ending... which maybe is why it feels less epic? Less haunting? This won't stick with me and cling to the corners of my mind for days and months (years?) like some of Kay's other novels will. Not to say that it isn't well-written. On the whole, with the scope and style of the narration (some beautiful thoughts, but a few of the narrative insights felt a little... pushy), it feels less like sociopolitical commentary and more like a fairytale or a story told to you by the fire. Which, considering the course of the story, is perhaps what he was working towards. :-)