A review by romankurys
The Wishsong of Shannara by Terry Brooks


A great ending to the Trilogy that started world of Shannara. This sure was a great read, and I am happy that Terry Brooks decided to follow his gut and write it. I really enjoyed all three books thoroughly, although if I had to pick, I'd say Elfstones (Part2) was my favorite.

Only reason for 4 stars rating instead of 5 is that I think Terry Brooks gets a little carried away with his over abundant and over detailed descriptions of everything and too little of dialogue to carry the story forward. It's a double edged sword there, since it really at times made for a difficult, in-easy read for no reason.

There really is no political intrigue, no Royal houses, no history to study, just a pure adventure of a group of people. You'd think they would talk more, but instead we are described they're thought mostly and environment they're in. Don't get me wrong, it was very detailed and very beautiful and my imagination ran rampant, but it did take a very quiet room to really be able to immerse into Brooks' world.

By no means is his a book for someone who's looking for action or a quick paced thriller, it's very much a slower kind of read. If you enjoy Lord of the Rings, I have a feeling you'd like Shannara. They're really seem very similar to me, just take away Tolkien's linguistic inventions and most of his history of the ages, and just focus on the adventure.

In all honesty, first book felt like I was reading Lord of the Rings "Light", if you will, but that feeling is quickly extinguished once you progress through Book 2 and 3.

All in all, I'd highly recommend it, I will surely be reading the next installment, just be mentally prepared for a very solid wall of text hitting you in the face the entire journey. So grab a nice glass of scotch, a quiet room...and go on a journey of your life!
