A review by jiang_chengus
Beneath His Wings by Lionel Hart


Pretty okay. Worldbuilding is the quiet type, you really get to spend a lot of time with Adrissu being a hermit in his tower, and he's living the dream tbh. It really allows you to get the sense of the world changing drastically around him over time while Adrissu stays the same, or that there's a huge world out there that he just has no real interest in exploring. But you know it's there, and you observe it quietly from his quiet spot in the tower. Adrissu is also a bit of a read if you relate to his personality in terms of being a little bit prissy and putting up a nice mask for appearances' sake.

That said, I didn't feel much of any way about the love interests. Since this is a situation of one partner being reincarnated over and over again, there are 3 arcs in the story to cover 3 different reincarnations. Because of the length of the book and the amount of storytelling needed for each one, you don't get a whole lot of time to get attached to them and really appreciate their relationships with Adrissu individually, and there are moments in the scene that I think are supposed to be heavy but don't really feel like it because I just didn't care that much about the characters involved.

Be warned: in chapter 6, there is a fairly uncomfortable scene in this book as the first sex scene. It borders on dub-con as a result of Adrissu having poor communication with his partner, Ruan, and advancing on him without proper consent. Adrissu does regret his actions and talks it over properly with Ruan immediately after.

Other than that, it's a pretty decent read, I'd read the next when it comes out to see how it resolves. 3/5.