A review by sunflowercryptid
Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas


Wow ok. Uh I don't exactly know what just happened but I do know my soul is broken ok I'll just go through the parts I guess

-so Celaenas journey thing she did was awesome. Although I was a huge Chaol and Celaena shipper I'm now leaning more towards Rowan. Just because he was so accepting of her when Chaol is still working through all of that jazz

-DORIAN. Ok I just...I love Dorian so much and I feel bad for him. First he doesn't get Celaena, then he has this shitty magic he has to hide, then he FINALLY falls in love and gets to be happy and SHE GETS FREAKING BEHEADED LIKE I CRIED. MY POOR BABY. AND THEN THE COLLAR THING???!!?!!?! IS HE GONNA BECOME ONE OF THOSE MONSTERS???

-Ok so I liked Chaols whole joining the rebels thing and Aeidon was pretty cool also. I just hate how Chaol always seems to get away with everything almost??? Like don't get me wrong I love Chaol. Like with all my soul. But Aeidon and Dorian were punished and he got away?? Idk maybe because he's the stronger one of all three and he can help Celaena the most. I don't know

-the king is an assface and that's all I'm gonna say on that matter

-what was up with that Manon chick. I didn't understand that and I hope it will be clear in the next book

My Theories:
-the magic that the king stole is inside Dorian somehow. Like the magic he took out of the land idk that's just the feels I'm getting
-the collar thing is gonna turn Dorian into one of those monster things
-sorcha is that girl whose name I can't remember that started with an E? The one from Celaenas childhood
-Manon is gonna turn good maybe and create an alliance with Celaena
-Rowan/Celaena is gonna become a thing

The end of this book killed me and I really hope Celaena doesn't break again. Ugh ugh ugh
I don't know if I can handle all the emotions I'll probably go through while reading the next book