A review by karenaparker
Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert

Did not finish book.
After getting 37% through the audiobook, I decided that this book was one that I did not need to read any further nor give a complete review with stars. This isn't because the book was bad like I've done with most reads on my DNF shelf. It's because I believe that I already know most of what she's talking about regarding creativity and big magic.

Which is a good thing! It means that I'm on the right path and that I'm learning the right things. And so, I suspect this is the kind of book that gets gifted to someone who may have heard of Elizabeth Gilbert through [b:Eat, Pray, Love|19501|Eat, Pray, Love|Elizabeth Gilbert|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1503066414l/19501._SY75_.jpg|3352398] and who is also someone who wants to be creative but doesn't quite know where to start. In which case, I'm sure they'd be happy to read a book like this and get the inspiration they need.