A review by cardiomyoapathy
House of Earth and Blood by Sarah J. Maas


Did this book cause me to fly into small fits of uncontrollable rage, sudden emotional stabbings and an unyielding desire to toss my Kindle across the room? Yes.

Would I recommend this book to anyone and everyone I know because it was just damn delightfully good. Also, yes.

[a:Sarah J. Maas|3433047|Sarah J. Maas|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1582137198p2/3433047.jpg] has done it again. She sucked me into a world I was wholly not prepared for. I will say, I throughly enjoyed this urban fantasy over [b:A Court of Thorns and Roses|50659467|A Court of Thorns and Roses (A Court of Thorns and Roses, #1)|Sarah J. Maas|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1620324329l/50659467._SY75_.jpg|21905102] universe. You can certainly see how she's grown as a writer, though I still had bits and pieces that were slightly off-putting to me that I couldn't give it a full 5-stars. Outside of that, I thought this was wonderfully done.

Takeaways that I really loved about this book (spoilers abound):

The fastest way to get me to love a book, is to include magical adorable animals and SHE HAS MESSENGER OTTERS. Dressed in what I can only assume is the most adorable yellow vest I have ever seen. The lack of Crescent City messenger otter fanart is atrocious and there should be more because those guys are just doing the most adorable job I have ever seen in an urban fantasy novel.

Bryce Quinlan is a quintessential badass
She was a breath of fresh air. Snarky and outspoken, I really enjoyed her character. I do enjoy the way SJM writes with bits of trauma and how one would deal with it in this one. I enjoyed the little breaks of the fourth wall to the reader and you really go to fully climb into Bryce's head.

Sibling Dynamics were chef's kiss
Bryce and Ruhn felt like real, actualized siblings. The sniping, the in-fighting, saying things that you instantaneously regret once they fall out of your mouth... Being the oldest of four children, I loved all of it. There were many points in their interactions that I said to myself internally "I have fully said this to my brother with zero fucks or regrets."

Rage-inducing plot twists
I say rage-inducing, but I mean this in the most praiseworthy of ways. While they were on occasion INFURIATING, but they were infuriating in the most delightful way.

All in all, excellently done and would recommend to all of my friends.