A review by raven168
Dark Alpha's Lover by Donna Grant


3.5 stars

First, I have to say how ecstatic I was when Cael went to Dreagan to speak with Con. I have so been waiting for that moment. Sadly, it was so freaking short. But now that the dragon kings know of the reapers, I'm hopeful for the future of them working together a bit here and there. Also adding to that is the fact that Fintan is using Balladyn for information on the dark fae and Bran's whereabouts. What surprised me though was that there was nothing of Rhi. I really thought that seeing how in the kings' last book she pretty much figured out what the Reapers did to her in their last book, she would have showed up at some point demanding answers. But maybe because she's more part of the kings' world it'll happen there...

I really liked getting to know Fintan more here. We find out why his coloring is the way it is, and really, it makes sense. In a scary cool way. His past and his betrayal were harsh, and while he has completely turned off his emotions, he has come out a better man in his second chance at life. And he's also one hell of Reaper. But with the disappearance of Eoghan and the appearance of Cat, his emotions are going to come back and he's going to have a very hard time dealing with them.

Her whole life Cat has believed that the magic that the people in her family are always born with skipped her. So she grew up watching her brother and sister work at theirs while all she could do was sit there are watch. Needless to say, she was jealous and upset. But she knows of the Fae world and that's very important. With the death of her parents in an accident, and Bran murdering her siblings, the only person she has left is her grandfather. She knows her death is just a matter of time but she wants to keep him safe at least. But because of her family history with the Fae, each night both light and dark come to watch her home and wait to see her die.

Which brings her to Fintan's attention. He has never heard of such a thing and his curiosity about Cat is strong. He knows it's only a matter of time before Bran either finds out about her, or if he already knows, comes for her. Because Cael is busy with something he won't share (but we do know) and the others are searching for any clue on where Eoghan is, Fintan takes it upon himself to learn more about her and possibly use Cat to bring Bran into a trap to finally kill him and end this. So Fintan shows himself to Cat. Her attraction to him was immediate despite the way he looks even though she knows that she should fear him. That's the last thing she feels though, and Fintan also immediately wants her. Which was my problem with this book. I think it was only a day or two that the two of them had known each other and they were sleeping together. But I'll buy that. What I don't buy was the insta-love between them in that same time frame.

They share a lot with each other including their pasts and Fintan even tells her all about the Reapers. If she's going to be in the middle of it all, the least he can do is tell her what's going on. And soon enough Bran does come for her. When she doesn't go to him and instead helps Fintan fight off some Dark, more is about to be taken from her. But during that fight she finds out that she actually does have magic. Even so, at that point, it's nothing really special for a Fae so they still have no idea why Bran wants her so much. When Cat kind of betrays Fintan by seeking out Bran to talk, then doesn't kill him when she had the chance, things between them become strained. To say the least. Despite how deeply that cut him and how badly he wants to leave her, he remains veiled by her side. After all, she's the key to getting to Bran but he also promised to protect her...and just can't seem to leave her.

She willing goes with Bran when he next comes for her because he tricked her before and holds something she loves. She frustrated me to no end with her decisions here and then what ends up happening anyway. When Fintan tracks her, he finds himself in a trap. Really? He didn't see that coming? But because of what happens, Cat embraces her magic and brings help to them. She even manages to draw out a lot information from Bran about many things. Including her real power, and what he plans to do with Death. She was actually pretty smart and was able to put a lot things together that Reapers hadn't yet. And when the fighting comes, the Reapers are in for a surprise that they never expected.

The ending was good and I do think that Fintan and Cat make a good couple. Fintan is so out of depth with a relationship though, but Cat wants to be by his side and will wait for him to be comfortable saying the words she wants to hear. She'll also do whatever she can to help the Reapers.

With the epilogue, we find out not quite where Eoghan is but that it's not a safe place. Pitch black with something attacking him, he has limited to no options available to him. When he sees something else there, he goes for it not knowing if it's any safer than what hunts him. But what choice does he have? I have no idea where he could be, but it'll be interesting to find out.

ARC provided by publisher via Netgalley.