A review by fishgirl182
Iron Kin by M.J. Scott


Full review to come....

This one is probably actually closer to a 3.5 star read for me. I really liked Fen and Saskia's relationship but am marking this slightly lower than the other two books in the series only because I thought that the ending was somewhat abrupt and, while not really a cliffhanger, still left a lot unresolved. Fen and Saskia also got a little shortchanged I think near the end as Half-Light City politics took center stage and their relationship got pushed to the side. I understand why that happened but I think they deserved a few more pages for their story. I do have a feeling that we'll get a little more of them in the next book but the ending did leave me feeling a little unsatisfied. Overall though I really enjoyed this book. The events of the previous two novels come to a head in Iron Kin the events that take place will change the landscape of the Half-Light world.

Full of drama, intrigue and romance, Iron Kin is an action packed book that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end. The Half-Light City balances on a precipice and the next battle determine whether it falls into light or darkness. I think it's Bryony's story as well, which I am pretty excited about.

Fun, fun series!