A review by rkking
The Sword Of Shannara by Terry Brooks


 This book gets a ton of flack due to it's resemblance of Lord of the Rings. Yes, there are direct copies/doppelganger characters that are exactly like LotR (Shea=Frodo, Allanon=Gandalf, the Warlock Lord=Sauron etc) but at the same time I give these things a bit of a pass due to when it was written. It was the one real fantasy book that revitalized the genre long after LotR had passed over time. It brought MANY readers back into the realm of fantasy, which in turn allowed for further series by many authors to be told. Plus, further entries in this series actually veers FAR away from LotR with its post-apocalyptic earth setting etc. So it gets a pass on that from me, I mostly just wish Allanon didn't explain pretty much EVERYTHING the characters needed to know, it led to the most exposition I've ever heard...
This audiobook edition included annotations from Brooks that showed insight into various aspects of the writing of the book, which to me as a writer, I found interesting and preferred over another edition I might have obtained otherwise.

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