A review by bibliotequeish
The Hottest State by Ethan Hawke


I read this book in the early 2000's when I was 19. And I tell ya' this book spoke to me.
Spoke to me in an almost creepy way, it also spoke to my boyfriend at the time and I always wondered if the two of us reading this book and relating to this book led to our breakup... it was the whole falling in love with the wrong person person thing, but we were at that age when everything is dramatic and pretentious.

I read this book again in my 30s and was shocked.
It was NOT at all as I remembered it and I was horrified that I had ever identified with Sarah.
I was also horrified that I have given "I remember it being so good" recommendations to people.

I do have this book sitting on my shelf and wonder, if I read it again in another 10 years, what will I think of it then