A review by readsbyem_
The Princess and the Dragon and Other Stories About Unlikely Heroes by Francesca Astraea


I loved this book! There's really no other way to say it! From the beginning, it was entertaining, whimsical and funny. Her world-building is impressive, given that this is a collection of short stories I was worried things would feel incomplete or untold. But it was rather the opposite, I felt as if I was apart of this vivid kingdom she was describing, down to the windows in the buildings and the vendors at the market. It feels very much like coming home, the world is her own but it reminded me of fairy tales I used to read when I was younger.

Despite being a lighthearted fantasy, Burke does not shy away from current political themes and issues. As the stories progress we learn more about the issues prevalent in this novel: immigration, homophobia, xenophobia and the persecution of groups different than the ruling families. These themes are taken seriously and approached with respect and the necessary attitude needed.

I hope Burke counties to write because she has a knack for it, I thoroughly enjoyed this collection of short stories and can't wait for what else she releases. If you haven't already, I highly recommend this short story collection! It'll make you smile if nothing else, which I think everyone could use right now.