A review by blodeuedd
Gunmetal Magic by Ilona Andrews


Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it. It was just not as good as later Kate books. It was more like the earlier ones and therefore it gets a grade like those.

Andrea was kick-ass, she has always been kick-ass. She has a horrible past, she is also something not that liked, beastkin. Yup her dad was actually an animal first. But she is just so Andrea, she fights, she wants to belong and I like her.

Raphael, oh what to say about him. Sleek, sexy, the favorite of the pack. Some of the things he did here just made me go all awwww, alpha ;) and other thing made me grind me teeth. They have issues to work through. But it was always been a dance between them.

The plot is that Pack members have been killed and it's up to her to find out who. I will say no more as it delivers a lot of different things into the mix.

I liked it. It gave me what I wanted. And I am a sucker for the mate frenzy shifters go through, all the mine mine mine.