A review by peyton_
Edge of Wild by D.K. Stone


I was really looking forward to reading Edge of Wild because I know Waterton and area. The book is good and I read it quickly, but I did find a couple of flaws with it. I did not like the characters. I wanted Lou to be stronger. She seemed very unwilling to commit to anything and her romance did not feel real. I really did not like Rich. He seemed like a jerk the entire book. He came across as two dimensional and did not seem to grow with the story. His romance also felt forced and fake. I would have gotten into this book more if I had been able to like Rich as a character. I also did not like any of the townspeople. It seemed unrealistic that they would all be so mean all the time. Even the ones who were more open to ideas did not seem to like Rich just because he is an outsider. Again, they came off two-dimensional.

The plot was a little difficult to enjoy. It went back and forth a bunch and I had to keep asking what I was supposed to be following and trying to figure out. Some answers were given and some were not. It felt like Stone was trying to do a mystery, but it did not come out smoothly. I like Stone and I have enjoyed other works by Stone, but this one fell flat for me. I read the premise of The Dark Divide and it seems to be the same plot with a different background, so I am going to hold off from reading it for now and instead embrace horror books for October.