A review by cindytheskull
The Complete Jack the Ripper by Donald Rumbelow


As stated by others, Don Rumbelow is surely one of the Top Ripperologists, but no great writer. I got the latest and updated version of this book and could learn about some "new facts", as Rumbelow published some documents in full length for the very first time.

I also liked that he tried to give valuable arguments for Stride not being a Ripper victim. That also showed a development in his view of the case.

That said, I must admit that I was slightly disappointed by the short section dedicated to the suspects, and totally skipped the part dedicated to the Ripper fiction. Even if he sometimes manages to give "just the facts", and that in a short and undecorated manner, he lets his own opinion shine through without arguments to support it.

He also said a couple of things that contradicted previously stated facts (as in the case of the mistery of the key in Mary Kelly's murder).

My overall impression was that of a book surely written by an expert on the case, who consciously decided to keep things short and give a good, brief overview of one of the most famous serial murder cases of the past.