A review by unapolojaytic
The Truth about Us by Janet Gurtler


Jess is from a wealthy family, her father is a lawyer and her mom a real estate agent. But that does not mean that their family is perfect: her mom spends her time in bed, her dad is never there and her sister is closer to her boyfriend’s mom than her actual family. And Jess drinks and parties. Until one day she goes too far and her father forces her to work at the local shelter for the rest of the summer, to teach her a lesson. In that shelter, Jess meets a lot of people from different worlds than her own, including Flynn.

The book was cute, a quick read and not very complicated. There was some dark issues regarding Jess’s mom and Flynn’s family life, but all in all, the book felt easy to read and light.

However the characters lacked depth on a lot of things, I felt like they only had one side to their personalities and therefore, they didn’t feel as real as other YA characters can. And it made the book quite predictable. The hints to what was going to happen next were too big for me to give this book a higher grade than 3/5.

But if you’re looking for an easy summer read, this is the book for you. It’s cute, there’s some darkness to keep it somewhat realistic and overall, it feels nice to read.

see my review on my blog