A review by snowblu3
Laced with Magic by Barbara Bretton


Another delightful bit of knitting fluff. I recommend this to knitters and only to knitters. If you don't knit, you're not going to find my favorite quotes relevant to anything.

"Suddenly I had everything I had ever dreamed about: magick and love and enough yarn to last ten lifetimes."

"Believe me, you know you love a guy if you're willing to knit a pair of socks for his size-twelve feet." My husband wears 12.5 EEEE. I am not effing around. This is love, people.

"Hadn't a lovely selkie couple from the Orkney Islands passed through town last month? Or maybe she was a wayward knitter who had been attracted by the lights and the promise of some lace-weight mohair." I'm a moth.

"I'd knitted my boyfriend a sweater and we'd lived to love another day. If that wasn't magick, I didn't know what was." Knitting your SO a sweater is like getting their name tattooed on you. You better be damn sure about that relationship.

"Not that anyone ever actually applauded when I showed them how to turn a heel or pick up the gusset stitches, but I wouldn't have been at all surprised if one day they did. Sock knitting is that great." Seriously though.

Last bit of knitting magick: "Your yarn never tangles, your sleeves always turn out the same length, and you always get gauge."

Bonus quote: 'Or maybe she had some weird kind of knitting superpowers, paranormal crafting skills straight out of a Harry Potter -- She stopped, needle poised above the piece of knitted fabric she was using to demonstrate her technique. "Actually I've never read Harry Potter." You could hear my breath leave my body in one loud whoosh. "What did you say?"' Ha ha ha. I took this out of context. But that's basically my reaction every time too.