A review by elcademia
Alice the Cat by Tim Cummings


thank you NetGalley for providing me with an eARC of this book!

i was really excited to read a middle grade novel that explores grief and how it can affect different people (and animals), but especially children. but there were some moments that left a bad impression, more specifically two where i almost put the book down.

the story opens with the main character talking about her breast size and how they were C-cups are twelve years old and not double Ds. this served no purpose later on in the story and was also just wildly inappropriate. young girls around that age are highly prone to body image issues, and already having the main character have C-cups was not a good idea. having the story start with talking about a child's breasts is so disgusting.

the second instance was when Tess says that depression is contagious. yes, i understand she's twelve and probably doesn't understand mental health. but the fact that an adult wrote this and was okay with showing this to children??? this entire dialogue exchange was so unnecessary and was so harmful to those that suffer from depression.

ultimately, i couldn't get over these two instances (as well as others but these two were the ones that stuck out most to me), and with them being towards the beginning of the story, it left such a terrible impression on me. i couldn't enjoy the rest of the story.