A review by manureads
Content Warning: Everything by Akwaeke Emezi


 CONTENT WARNING: EVEYTHING is Akwaeke Emezi’s debut poetry collection (but sixth published work). Impeccably crafted and with writing that flows, Emezi explores abuse and survival, healing, desire and chosen family. I adored the “What if” poems, and I found it was an interesting collection to read in discussion with their memoir “Dear Senthuran.” Overall, a very touching collection of poems, very much in line with Emezi’s unique voice and style. 
On a more technical note, this collection illustrates how good editing can elevate a work: while each poem individually was striking, the way they were organized told a story as well. There’s a buildup, up until the title poem “Content Warning: Everything” which brings together the motifs and themes of the collection, and then the final two poems wind you back down to drop you off more gently at the end. Don’t underestimate the title though, CW for mentions of rape and suicide attempts. 
“To survive you, i press my skin away 
Flatten my want and break the necks 
of my dreams, making them dead diamonds” 
-Folding for a cruel man 
“[…] still i scream above the wind the howling storm I, poltergeist with a life that matters, that matters to me.” 
-When the Hurricane Comes the Men Protect their Brothers