A review by sumayyaha
A Torch Against the Night by Sabaa Tahir


rating - 4.5 stars
let's get over with the negative first. my only reason for 0.5 off is because it was bit slow as expected when you're building tension but that's it. (and the only reason it took me 15 days to read it)

Sabaa Tahir did it again! Her writing that isn't so descriptive as to call it flowery but strikes hard enough to be compelling and beautiful just complimented the story so well. Not to mention, the characters-the characters-are freaking amazing, morally gray, strong, brave, on the edge-of-breaking (mentally) but-still-manages-to-stay-afloat. And plot twists..?! and battle?!
So yes, if you liked what little (seems very little now) that you got in book one, yes, book two is worth it.

Also, Helene's perspective that I never knew I needed..(I love her). She is so incredibly strong in the face of possible failure that will end with blood on her hands, quite literally. And you see her mental state crumbling and still, she holds on..just WoW
However, Elias will always be my favorite though he is somehow the perfect male character and yet faced imperfect actions but he is reckoning with them and it is so heartbreaking but soo necessary. Also, the whole lesson each character learns about themselves/within themselves is incredibly nuanced. Unlike those lessons in some other YA where they were basically hitting the characters with it but for some reason, it took the whole book for them to realize something I could've learned from Elmo! (no disrespect though, he taught me things haha) Oh and need I say anything about Afya Ara Nur ...cause YES she was amazing. Truly a woman of honor.

Ohh and there are so many messed up people in here but not just for the sake of villainy, I like how they all have something to gain or lose and that's what drives them.

now let's talk spoilers simply because I must discuss.

SpoilerWhen Keenan's true nature was revealed I WAS ECSTATIC I just knew he was wrong in some way. Nightbringer was a surprise but I KNEW iT. I just couldn't accept that Laia was into him because he was just...a dude... he had no special qualities to me and he also seemed easily angered which is never attractive to me cough adam cough aNyways he doesn't hold a candle to Elias and its disgusting how he more or less gaslighted her into her trust for him. She gave him everything, heck she gave him her body. Even though she says he must have had some love for her bc he couldn't obtain the star fracture without it, I still don't buy it. Well at least ..he didn't love her enough to stop her pain or maybe he wanted revenge more. whatever, the point is I severely dislike him.

Also really sad that Sabaa Tahir isn't afraid to kill people like COME ON that hurt. but also its adds to the stakes but ouch.. and I just knew that Elias wouldn't make it out entirely "alive" but arghhh I cry for him poor boy..the torment he faces smh ITs even worse that he is such a good guy..

Interested to see if Darin is all he's cracked up to be, I hope since he's woken up he is as reliable as he was before if not funny and charming (I mean you tend to lose those qualities when one is being tortured right?)