A review by romankurys
Twilight by Stephenie Meyer


So I started reading this book with very low expectations based on reading reviews on here and just hearing general chatter on social media, etc etc.
I have never seen the movie series and got this book at one of my local library book sales simply because it was a book about vampires for $1.

Now, with that out of the way. Yes, I am a straight male of 35 years and Yes I actually REALLY enjoyed this book.

I found that I got immersed into it almost immediately and the only thing that was immersion breaking for me we're all the gushy over the topic romantic moments. At times I felt like I was reading a romance novel, but then again...main antagonists here are 17 year olds in love. Their first love. Ever.

I remember that magical time in my life a couple of decades ago...and I will always remember it. It's one of those thing you just always tend to remember for ever. (Now I went ahead and made myself nostalgic here)

Anyways, so did Meyer maybe went a bit over the top in this department, yes! But the rest of the book is pure page turning enjoyment. I found myself giggling out loud while reading (especially all 7353627 mentions of Edward's perfect chest) and in general just had pure fun reading.

No, it is not a serious read.
No, it is not as well written as, I don't know, Dickens or Anne Rice.

But I don't really think it was supposed to be.

Talking about Anne Rice, I don't get all the comparisons of Twilight to Interview With The Vampire. These two books are not similar at all, not in the slightest bit. They just both happen to be emotionally driven stories about vampires. Style, feel, writing all of it are completely different. Twilight is clearly going to be a lot more appealing to YA reader, I feel.

But I guess everyone has their own cup of tea they like best. It felt to me that Stephenie Meyer wrote a book for herself, and that's all I can ask for from an author. I enjoy reading books that feel genuine, but corny much more then a calculated, graphed, planned piece of perfect English literature, so my bets are in her corner and I'll definitely be reading the next part sometimes in the near future!
